We are better together.

The Detox Circle is my signature program.  It’s  a  quarterly  program  where  a  group  of  women  come  together  as  a  guided  community  to  release  the  toxins  that  hold  us  back; everything  from  the  buildup  of  chemicals  and  waste  from  our  food  and  environment  to  the  ideas  and  messages  that  prevent  us  from  becoming  who  we  are  meant  to  be  in  this  life.  Together,  we  identify  that  harmful  waste,  those  bad  habits,  and  those  negative  thoughts  that  keep  you  from  stepping  into your  destiny;  break  through  those  patterns  and  leave  them  behind  so  you’re  armed  with  the  tools  to build  the  future  you  truly desire.    

Women  are  the  most  powerful  force  on  this  earth,  which  is  what  makes  the Detox Circles  so  powerful! You  receive  collective  love  and  support  from  other  women  who  see  you  through  this  passage  so  we  all emerge  on  the  other  side  happier,  lighter,  healthier,  and  empowered. And, by the way, we have FUN!

Click the button below to learn about my newest group coaching program starting April 2022!



  • 21 day whole food cleanse

  • Weekly group coaching calls

  • Strategies to help you break through blocks that are keeping you stuck

  • Powerful rituals that release negative energy along with ceremonies that invite positive energy and change.

  • Healthy recipes & nutrition counseling to help you clear your mind & body of toxins.

  • Manifestation & visualization practices that help you envision & create the life you so deeply desire & richly deserve.

  • Coach support throughout the program.

  • Ongoing support of your fellow Divas during & after the program

  • A community of like-minded women who will see you through & cheer you on.

January 2021

March 2020

January 2020

October 2019

April 2019

January 2019

September 2018

June 2018


“I was unaware that removing toxic foods from my diet would lead to such mental clarity. Who knew all that crap was really clouding my thinking and, to be honest, causing a LOT of mental health/mood issues that don't really exist anymore.”



“I was excited about getting out of my day to day and meeting women that were looking for a similar experience. We were all facing different challenges in our lives, yet we were able to connect, listen, grow and feel what others were going through. It made me feel like I wasn't alone with my struggle and could tackle my blind spot head on by recognizing my patterns and shifting my focus. I was drawn to the meditations and creating my vision for the future. I believe that I am worthy of love and will find my own fairy tale. I am grateful and blessed for this experience."
