Deep work for those looking to reach a whole new level of existence.

So much growth can be had within a group setting: the support and love of like-minded humans can really help you feel nourished and ready to take on the world. But there comes a time where you may need individual attention to really tackle those mindfulness issues and blocks. When you're ready to do the deep work to take your life to the next level, that's where one-on-one coaching becomes effective.

My individual client work combines holistic health counseling, mindfulness work, and results-based plans and activities that help you get to the root of what's blocking your individual progress so you can break through to a whole new level of existence. This is deep work for motivated people, the kind of experience that creates real life changes. 

If you're ready to remove the excuses, the fears, the bad habits that have been holding you back, I'm ready to help you do just that. It's time to go inside to expand your outside world. This is the work for people ready to do whatever it takes to get whatever they truly desire.

All potential clients are encouraged to schedule a complimentary consultation to ensure that we are a good fit. Please hit connect and let’s chat!



  • Initial consultation to ascertain what's blocking you from the life you want.

  • Weekly coaching session with a dedicated plan focused on reaching your goals. (Phone sessions available to all, in-person available for NYC-based clients only.)

  • Nutrition and mindful eating plans to carry you forward on your holistic journey.

  • Tools to assist you with creating lifelong health habits and mindset shifts to achieve your dreams.

  • Deep counseling work to help you identify your most earnest desires and how to move toward them without self-sabotage.

  • Customized wellness and action plans based on individual needs.

  • Regular progress review, goal setting, and milestone celebration.


Individual coaching programs are now open. Book yours today!


I'm so much happier. I was guided by Kimberly to a more intuitive path of living that has spilled over into everything: work, relationships - all of it seems brighter and more hopeful.

I'm kinder to myself. I catch myself being super hard on myself when it comes to body image or diet (or whatever, let's be honest) and I take an easier approach. This has helped a lot with my favorite stress response: emotional eating.

I've lost weight by discovering how my body naturally likes to eat. I'm naturally drawn to plant-based foods and the more I eat, the healthier I feel. It's been the wildest discovery: as I eat the way my body likes to eat, it naturally knows what to do with what I'm eating. 

I'm so much happier. I was guided by Kimberly to a more intuitive path of living that has spilled over into everything: work, relationships - all of it seems brighter and more hopeful.

— K.B., NY

Free 30-minute consultation.